Red and Bundle is an independent Reports ForNAV specialist. We help Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central partners and end users by offering them support for the ForNAV product.

Let's build.

Let’s build.

Whether you need physical or online training, or through our developed e-learning, we excel in providing education in ForNAV and Business Central reporting.

Red And Bundle - We're Hired
Red And Bundle - We're Hired

Our strength lies in creating and modifying reports in Business Central and ForNAV. We can help tailor your report to precisely meet your requirements. 

Red And Bundle - Support
Red And Bundle - Support

Are you stuck with Business Central or ForNAV reports? We can help. With our years of experience and deep knowledge, we can help you to find a solution.

Who we are

We are Red and Bundle. An independent, no-nonsense company that aims to assist its customers in achieving success by providing the highest level of service. We specialize in ForNAV Reports and help Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central partners and end users by offering support for the ForNAV product.

We are an excellent choice to provide (temporary) support for ongoing projects or assignments. With our deep knowledge and years of experience, we quickly understand what needs to be done. We aim to be a valuable addition to the whole. Therefore, it is not our intention to take over clients or assignments; we want to add value where it is needed. That’s why it’s crucial to have clear and open conversations about who we are and what we can offer.


In addition to taking our work very seriously, we also have a lot of fun.

Look for example, for our unicorn. You’ll find it in various forms of our communication. We believe in this unicorn, which represents individuality, openness, honesty and compassion.

We aspire to be a company that cares about our own people and everyone beyond our immediate circle. The outside world comprises our clients as well as potential new team members.

And we’re not too complicated. We don’t require complex terminology or overly detailed contracts. We believe that a lot can be achieved by simply having trust in each other. By allowing each other into each other’s gardens and letting them pick what they need. 

Where we come from

Since the inception of Red and Bundle on January 11, 2018, the philosophy has remained unchanged. Our aim is to give you complete control over your own Business Central reports. Whether you need education, outsourcing (synergy) or development, or just want to ask us some questions, we are here to help you.

We are a no-nonsense company with only one objective: to help you be successful by offering the highest quality service there is.

We prefer to work on our own terms. By that, we mean that we always question whether what we’re doing is right. We aim to do meaningful work. We are conscious of the environment and avoid unnecessary use of resources.

Red and Bundle - No Poverty
Red and Bundle - Zero Hunger
Red and Bundle - Good Health and weel-being
Red and Bundle - Quality Education
Red and Bundle - Gender Equality

Recent blogs

Create a custom Email Scenario For Business Central

Today I had to send a specific email from Business Central from a specific backoffice account. Roberto Stefanetti has written...

A monumental event, part 2

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A monumental event, part 1

An introduction to event driven architecture in relation to Business Central. You will read about why I use serverless back...
ticket system

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