Dimensions of woe

So today I wanted to create a simple text variable with 3 dimensions in my extension. Normally no big deal but how on earth do I define dimensions in my variables? It turns out they are now called Arrays. So that is an improvement but the documentation is worthless. And again, nothing to be found […]
Dimensions of woe

So today I wanted to create a simple text variable with 3 dimensions in my extension. Normally no big deal but how on earth do I define dimensions in my variables? It turns out they are now called Arrays. So that is an improvement but the documentation is worthless. And again, nothing to be found […]
Get server and database information in AL
Today I wanted to get some basic information about my NAV2018 service and database name in my extension. A quick Google found a lot of useful stuff about this but nothing that was easy enough for me. I really did not want to go messing about with xml or dotNET. This is basic stuff right? […]
Upgrade from Dynamics NAV 2016 to 2018
Last weekend it was time for me to brew up a strong coffee, clear my schedule and upgrade our Dynamics NAV database from 2016 to 2018. This was a big operation for me and many colleagues as we also upgraded to SQL2017 and Windows server 2016. The good thing about using a new server environment […]