Interface extensions with workflows

In this blogpost I document how to interface between extensions with workflows.
I created an Azure Function and use a workflow response to call that Azure Function

Interface extensions with workflows

In this blogpost I document how to interface between extensions with workflows.
I created an Azure Function and use a workflow response to call that Azure Function

Slaying the behemoth, Extension Design Principles

Fifteen minutes reading time. Once upon a time my ancestors roamed the icy plains of Northern Europe. They hunted behemoths, a single mammoth that could feed and clothe a tribe for a long while. But even though there was a lot of food on a single mammoth it was a bit of a pain to […]

Symbols of madness

As you know we have been happily developing extensions for a while now. Every once in a while I blog about some stuff I found out recently but it is mostly smooth sailing at the moment. Today I was stumped though. For some reason my symbols were not loading. I make it a point to […]

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